Balance — it's something we all strive for. You only need to look at the more than three billion Google search results for 'how to create more balance in life' to see just how in-demand this elusive concept is!
And it’s not hard to see why. Between work and family, study, relationships and exercise, most of us are doing a juggling act of some kind. While our modern world offers more opportunities than ever, it also comes with more responsibilities. The only issue with having so many different gardens to water is that it can make it challenging to stop and actually smell the roses!
When life begins to feel like ‘all work, no play’ it’s a sign that the scales have tipped too far in the wrong direction. If left unchecked, this can lead to increased stress, reduced productivity and life satisfaction, and even burnout. The good news is there are a few simple things you can do to re-balance those scales and get life feeling more fun again.
Read on for our tips for creating a more balanced, harmonious lifestyle.
1. Establish boundaries
In a time where we’re all reachable with the click of a button, the boundaries between work and life are more blurred than ever. Many of us are no longer working just our prescribed hours. Instead, our work emails are often the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we see at night.
To achieve more balance, it’s important to define when the work day ends and begins. One of the best ways to do this is by creating boundaries around the way you consume technology. This could mean setting a cut-off time in the mornings and evenings before you check your phone.
Most modern smartphones now have in-built digital wellbeing tools that automatically put your device on ‘do not disturb’ mode for a certain period of time overnight. You can also use the same tools to monitor how long you’re spending on your phone each day and cut off your usage after you hit a certain limit.
Another great way to incorporate tech boundaries into your life is by taking digital detoxes once per week – perhaps on a Sunday – where you go completely cold-turkey from your devices. No matter which approach you take, you’re sure to feel a huge weight off your shoulders once you start spending more time unplugged.
2. Take time for yourself
With so many different people and areas in our lives to attend to, it can be easy to neglect your own needs. But remember, you need to put on your own oxygen mask on the aeroplane before you can help anyone else. While it can be tricky to carve out ‘you time’, it’s absolutely necessary. Otherwise, it's difficult to show up as the best version of yourself, for the people and things you care about.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that you have to disregard all responsibilities and metaphorically flee to a tropical island (although, that can be tempting sometimes!) Taking a period of non-negotiable alone time each day is important to help you regroup, recharge and revitalise.
This will look completely different for everyone — it could be going for a walk, having a bath or simply curling up with a good book for 10 minutes at the end of the day.
3. Embrace imperfection
While we’re striving to become the best versions of ourselves, it’s important not to place too much pressure on yourself. After all, nobody has it all together all the time. Rather than expecting perfection in every area of your life, instead aim for progress. Adopting this approach can help you find balance between achieving your goals, while still being kind with yourself.
For you, this could mean breaking your larger targets into micro goals that you can tick off every day, week or month. Or, it could mean making small, incremental increases to the steps you aim to do every day, or the weights you lift at the gym. It’s all about consistently making progress rather than being ‘all or nothing’ about it.
Another way to embrace progress over perfection is through trying new things and learning and growing. This requires you to adopt a beginner’s mindset, and make peace with the fact that you may not be a pro at everything immediately. So, why not experiment with a new hobby or activity you’ve been meaning to try? This could be taking up cycling, learning a new language or becoming more adventurous in the kitchen. Remember, every expert was once a beginner!
4. Align your lifestyle
The environment we live in and the people we surround ourselves with can have a huge impact on how we spend our time and energy. So, it’s important to look at your current lifestyle and consider whether this aligns with your values and what you want out of life. If you find there’s a disconnect there, it might be time to make some changes.
You may find there are small tweaks you can make to create more balance — no matter where you are. Many people find that incorporating more movement and time outdoors helps them feel more grounded and centred again. It gives you an opportunity to break up your routine, clear your head and stop thinking about work for a while.
Outdoor workouts are a major win, allowing you some fresh air at the same time as releasing endorphins. Not sure what exercises you can do outside? Our no-gym workout guide can help give you some ideas for your al fresco fitness routine!
5. Seek healthy nutrition, movement and mindfulness
It’s important to seek balance not only in your life, but also in your diet! While it’s fine to indulge in sweets and treats every once and again, also make sure you’re nourishing your body with plenty of nutrient-dense food. This includes lots of fresh fruit and vegetables that contain the minerals and antioxidants that are essential for good health.
You'll also want to make sure you’re looking after your gut health, as the ecosystem of bacteria in your belly can impact everything from your digestion and energy levels to your mood. For additional support try Swisse’s range of probiotics which can help in supporting your digestive system health.
Another important area is your sleep. While eight hours is the recommended amount, the world’s largest global sleep study[1] showed that the average person sleeps less than 6.3 hours per night. Incorporating a relaxing, pre-bed routine can help ensure you’re getting plenty of those good quality zzzs. This can include activities like meditation and journaling that require you to be still and quieten your mind. In doing so, you’ll also be addressing another important aspect of a balanced lifestyle — mindfulness!
At the end of day, the quest for balance isn’t always a straightforward one. It can require shifts to your lifestyle, as well as how you look after your mind and body. But by following the tips in this article, you’ll be well on your way to reclaiming more balance in your life.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.