Healthy food habits to practice with your kids at home.
1. Actually eat breakfast, instead of going for the dash-and-drink option
2. Make your water bottle your wingman – always have one with you
3. Hot up your H20 by infusing it with orange or lemon slices, berries and mint
4. Swap the TV or laptop dinner for the table
5. Hit your five and two – that’s five serves of veg and two fruit a day
6. Eat the rainbow
7. Recruit a sous chef and watch your tastes and menus expand
8. Tune into fullness, hunger isn’t the only food feeling
9. Cook more meals at home
10. Life isn’t a never-ending buffet – practice portion control
11. Get savvy with food swaps – sweet potato for potato, cream for yoghurt, mayo for avocado
12. Keep cheat day at just that, one day or meal
13. Think of your kilojoules like a glass – you want them full of nutrients, not empty
14. Get to know the “Healthy Plate”
15. Just like sleep, it pays to stick to regular meal times
16. Make time for your weekly grocery shop so you get your good food fill
17. Everything in moderation, same goes for dessert
18. Pick natural over packaged snack options
19. Switch to healthy wholegrains and say bye to beige
20. Use herbs and spices, not secretly-sugary sauces, to add flavour
21. Learn the healthy versions of your favourite foods like zucchini brownies
22. Substitute sugar with better-for-you natural sweeteners like berries and raw honey
*Swisse Kids Multi comprehensive formula contains 22 vitamins, minerals and herbs