Woman grocery shopping for vegetables

20 Tips To Help You Live A More Sustainable Life

Written by: Swisse Wellness
Swisse Wellness

World-changing actions for a sustainable future don’t need to be huge. In fact, small actions by individuals each day will lead to greater outcomes universally. No one person is too small to affect our planet. It’s true - from little things, big things grow.

We all want to do better by our planet and our people, but sometimes we lack inspiration, time or we simply forget. As a handy guide, we’ve created 20 ways you can work towards a sustainable future and be the change you wish to see in the world.

20 ways to be more sustainable

1. Don’t accept disposable cutleries such as forks, sporks and even chopsticks, and say no to plastic straws! If you can’t give straws up, use washable metal or bamboo ones.

2. Use cold water when washing clothes (this will also help the longevity of your clothes) and always do a full load.

3. Use washable cloths instead of paper serviettes/napkins.

4. Install a water-saving shower head and take short showers. Bathtubs require gallons more water than a 5-10-minute shower.

5. Collect rainwater for your garden and reuse for watering the garden or washing your car/ bicycle.

6. Avoid purchasing single-use disposable items such as plastic-wrapped vegetables and if unavoidable - buy minimally packaged goods.

7. Bike, walk or take public transport to work. Save the car trips for when you’ve got a big group.

8. Maintain a paperless environment where possible. For example, use Microsoft Notes instead of a paper notebook and avoid printing documents out.

9. Stop paper bank statements and pay your bills online or via mobile.

10. Let your hair and clothes air dry naturally instead of using a dryer.

11. Freeze fresh produce and leftovers if you don’t have the chance to eat them before they go bad. You will save food and money.

12. Compost your food scraps to reduce the climate impact, while also recycling nutrients.

13. If you have the option, install solar panels in your house. This will also reduce your electricity bill.

14. Shop local. Supporting neighbourhood businesses keep people employed and helps prevent trucks from driving far distances.

15. Buy “funny fruit”—many fruits and vegetables are thrown out because their size, shape, or colour are not “right”. Buying this perfectly good odd fruit utilises food that might otherwise go to waste.

16. Use a refillable water bottle and coffee cup. Cut down on waste and maybe even save money at the coffee shop.

17. Say no to plastic bags. Bring your own bag when you shop. Pass on the plastic bag and start carrying your own reusable totes.

18. Shop second hand. Brand-new isn’t necessarily best. See what you can repurpose from second-hand shops or online stores like Facebook Marketplace.

19. Find out if you have a local toy library and rent toys for your children instead of purchasing – saving you money and unwanted clutter. Alternatively, visit a library and rent books instead.

20. Avoid facial wipes as it is a single-use disposable product. Instead, wash with a cleanser and wipe with a damp cloth.

Swisse Wellness

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